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My name is Deepak Venkateshvaran. I use these webpages to document my dominant professional interests.

I am an academic at the University of Cambridge with responsibilities that span research, teaching, and institutional leadership.

I hold a Royal Society University Research Fellowship at the Cavendish Laboratory where we implement novel force mapping techniques for the measurement of nanoscale mechanics. We study multifunctional soft systems from organic semiconductors to biological matter.

I am a Fellow, College Lecturer, and Director of Studies in Physics at Selwyn College Cambridge. At Selwyn, I am responsible for teaching and teaching-related activities that span undergraduate admissions, interviews, organising tutorials, and monitoring the academic progression of students within the Natural Sciences Tripos. In addition, I teach masters level courses at the University on the topic of energy harvesting and energy generation technologies.

Institutional Leadership
I am a trustee at Selwyn College Cambridge, and serve on the access and outreach committee to help make Cambridge University accessible to students from economically underperforming parts of the country. I also serve on the graduate student funding committee at the Cavendish Laboratory and on several competitive research fellowship committees in Cambridge. My involvement contributes to decision-making around funding for postgraduate applicants and funding for postdoctoral research.

In 2024, I worked part-time at the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) of the UK Government on policy topics related to energy and low-dimensional materials. I led an internal report on the impact, promises kept, and lessons learned, from over 600 million pounds of joint government and equity funding for graphene research and development in the United Kingdom.